Land Training

Land Training update

The virtual land training times have slightly altered.  As from next week they will now be at:-
6.00pm – for the 12 and under age group
6.45pm – for the 13 and over age group
We hope this is a more agreeable time for you all to attend.
Next week we are running free ‘taster’ sessions for both the Monday and Wednesday sessions.  We are hoping that as many of you book on and give it a try!
Please book onto the system below but do not pay for the session/s.
You must be booked on the day before so Sunday for Monday sessions and Tuesday for Wednesdays.
You will be sent a confirmation email on the morning of the training which will have the zoom links and passcode.
we hope to see you all there.
Paignton Swimming club.

Booking is via the link below and is all online. Our thanks to Kevin Morris at discovery software for the setup of the system.

Details and instructions of how to book on the system are attached or click the link below
Initially these sessions are aimed at the Platinum &  Gold squad swimmers as well as the under 13 and under 15 age grouped polo players. (If in doubt check with Doug)
We are hoping to expand this in the future.


Please be aware of the  conditions of booking below.


Please make sure that you have considered the following BEFORE commencing with this online activity

 You should not participate within the session if you are not fit and healthy. Be aware of your own capabilities and do only what you are comfortable doing – seek medical advice if in doubt.

As a participant or If you are under 18 please ask a parent or guardian to consent to you taking part. You/They must agree to the following:

– That you are fit and healthy enough to participate

– They will be in proximity to you at all times to deal with any issues that arise

– They agree to stop the training if there are any health or safety concerns

– That the environment is suitable for what you are about to undertake

Check Your Surroundings

  • If indoors, what is the floor like? Is it safe and will it stay so if it gets wet (if applicable)?
  • Is the area well ventilated?
  • Do you have a mat? If not is the ground suitable for body based exercise?
  • Is there furniture you might bump into—can it be moved? If so, move it!
  • Do you have enough space to exercise safely?
  • Are there any trip hazards?
  • You must wear appropriate clothing at all times including suitable footwear, no jewellery etc.
  • Keep pets and any other distractions out of the way during exercise!

Always stay Hydrated!


 Participation in this activity is fully at the individual’s or their Parent/guardians risk.  Neither Paignton Swimming Club, nor the individual leading the session, accept any liability for any injury or consequential damage that may result from participation. 

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